Whales have captivated the imaginations of humans for centuries, with their incredible intelligence, complex social structures, and enormous size.
They are found in all oceans around the world, from the warm tropical lagoons to the icy Arctic and Antarctic regions.
Whale physiology is vastly different from many animals, being marine mammals they have hair, breathe air, and mothers have mammary glands.
But what about producing milk? One question that often comes up when discussing these marine giants is do whales produce milk?
Whilst this isn’t a topic that comes up every day, it’s one that many find themselves wondering and a topic that we’re going to cover today in this post.
So let’s dive in…
Do Whales Produce Milk?
YES, whales do produce milk. They are marine mammals that have all mammalian characteristics which include producing milk.
Whale milk is produced by mothers to nourish their young calves, it’s incredibly rich in nutrients and fat and allows their calves to grow at an incredible rate.
The nutritious milk which can be up to 50% fat allows the calves to develop a thick layer of blubber that will insulate the whale from the cold.

However, unlike most mammals, whales don’t have nipples. Instead, they have special mammary glands that are located inside their bodies.
When the youngster is born, it latches onto a small fold of skin near the mother’s genital area and suckles the milk directly from the gland.
This essentially injects the milk into the calf’s mouth to ensure that Mom isn’t wasting any valuable food for her calf.
How Do Whales Produce Milk?
Whales produce milk in the same way that all mammals do, through their mammary glands and the process of lactation.
During the pregnancy, the whale’s mammary glands begin to develop and start producing milk ready to feed the mother’s offspring.
Once the calf is born, it’s already equipped with the instinctive knowledge of how to locate and nurse from its mother’s mammary glands.
The mother whale’s diet can have a direct on the quality of her milk, just like in humans, which is why it’s important that Mom is eating enough food to produce healthy milk for her calf.
This is why whales will typically breed after the feeding season, with many whales migrating to the Arctic to take advantage of the abundance of food there in summer.
Once they’ve fattened themselves up, they may head to warmer, shallower waters such as the lagoons of Baja to give birth.
If the mother consumes a diet that consists largely of small fish, her milk will be high in omega-3 fatty acids, but if she’s eating a low-fat diet, her milk won’t be as nourishing for her calf.
The actual process of milk being produced in mother whales is triggered by the hormone called prolactin, which is released from the pituitary gland in the brain.
This hormone stimulates the mammary gland to produce and secrete milk, and when the calf nurses, it creates a feedback loop that signals the brain to continue producing milk.
Why Do Whales Produce Milk?
Whales produce milk for the same reason other mammals do, to provide their young with the nutrients and energy they need to grow big and strong.
Without the mother whale producing milk, the calf would have little food and it would likely die without nursing from Mom.
Milk is a complete food that provides the calf with all of the essential nutrients, proteins, fats, carbohydrates, and vitamins that the youngster needs to grow.
Due to the size of whales, they require a lot of food when they are young to ensure they can develop into full-sized adults.
In addition to providing the calf with the essential nutrients it needs to grow, milk also plays an important role in strengthening the whale’s immune system to keep it safe from bacteria and viruses.
Whale milk contains antibodies and other immune factors that help to protect the calf from diseases.
As a whole, milk is a vital source of nutrition for whale calves and without it, many young whales sadly die as they’re unable to fend for themselves.
Do All Whales Produce Milk?
Yes, all female whales produce milk to nourish their young, from the smallest whale species to the blue whale, the largest animal to have ever lived.
All whales are mammals that have all of the characteristics of mammals, including having hair, giving birth to live young, being warm-blooded, and producing milk to nourish their young.
Mother whales continue producing milk until their calf is old enough to feed on solid food, which depending on the species is usually around the age of 6 months to 1 year.
Whale milk is basically a superfood that allows young calves to grow incredibly quickly, often doubling their weight in a 3 month period.
Overall, the production of milk is a defining characteristic of all whales and one that contributes greatly to the survival of these ocean giants.
More On Whale Milk
The composition of whale milk can vary greatly depending on the species, with some species producing particularly fatty milk that is rich in protein.
Whale milk also has a texture that is similar to toothpaste so that when the calf is nursing, it’s unlikely to miss any drops and can slurp it all up.

It takes time for Mom to produce this incredibly rich milk, so letting any go to waste is a big no-no.
The color of the milk can also vary depending on the whale species, with some producing white milk and others producing yellowish milk.
As a whole, whale milk is a superfood that is rich in all the goodness that calves need to grow big and strong and stay protected against diseases.
Wrapping Up
To wrap up, YES, whales certainly do produce milk. It’s a vital food source for all whale calves that provides many functions for their survival.
Whales are marine mammals that have all of the characteristics of mammals, which include creating milk through the lactation process.
The milk that mother whales produce is incredibly rich in fat and protein which allows the calf to grow and develop very quickly, which is important when in an environment full of hungry predators.
Whilst there are still a lot of unknowns about whale milk, it’s clear that it’s vital in the development of all whale calves until they are ready to fend for themselves.
Thanks for taking the time to read this post today and learn more about whales and how they produce milk.
Catch you in the next one!

Hi, I’m George – the founder of MarinePatch. I created this blog as marine wildlife has been my passion for many years. I’ve spent over a decade in the marine wildlife industry and spent years out in the field conducting research. In today’s modern world, an online blog is the best place for me to share my findings and reach as many people as possible to help educate and inspire others. Enjoy your time here and you’re welcome back anytime!