Sea lions are marine mammals that can be found in coastal waters all around the globe. They are part of the ‘pinniped’ family alongside walruses and seals.
These animals are excellent swimmers and are surprisingly intelligent, they are able to recognize human faces and build long-lasting relationships with people too.
In this post, we take a closer look at sea lions and their anatomy, to answer do sea lions have fur?
Yes, sea lions do have fur that is used in order to trap warm air and help keep them warm. Alongside blubber, fur is a great insulator that prevents these marine animals from becoming cold.
Do Sea Lions Have Fur Or Skin?
One of the biggest differences between sea lions and seals is their fur. Sea lions have much less fur than seals, and it’s also lighter and looks more like skin.
Sea lions have thick skin that is covered by short fur. The skin beneath their fur stays mostly dry, even whilst they are fully submerged.
The combination of blubber, fur, and oil forms a sort of wetsuit for sea lions, helping to keep them dry, warm, and healthy.
Do Seals And Sea Lions Have Fur?
Both seals and sea lions have fur that helps to keep them warm in the cold, sometimes icy waters that they live in.
However, seals generally have much thicker fur that requires more maintenance. Some species of seal, such as the fur seal have a thick coat of fur that helps them to stay insulated from the cold.
Generally, the colder the habitat, the more fur the animal will have. For example, the harp seals live in some of the coldest and harshest conditions on earth and therefore has a thick, fluffy coat to help them stay warm.
Seals and sea lions are usually less hairy than land mammals due to the fact that they have thick blubber that insulates them.
What Does Sea Lion Fur Do?
Sea lion fur has a number of different benefits that help them stay alive and healthy in the wild.
The first is to lock in warm air to help keep them warm in their often cold and harsh habitats. Fur is a frequent form of thermoregulation as it can trap air against the skin to keep the animal warm.
It’s an essential part of keeping their skin dry and trapping moisture in the fur before it has a chance to reach the skin.
A sea lion’s fur is essentially a wetsuit that keeps them dry even whilst submerged. In the case of the harp seal, it can also be a way to stay camouflaged against predators and keep the animal safe.
A coat of fur is a great way for sea lions to absorb sunlight too, which is why you’ll often see these animals sunbathing on rocks to increase their body temperatures.
Final Thoughts
So, do sea lions have fur? Yes, they certainly do. Fur helps to keep sea lions warm, alongside their thick blubber.
It also helps keep the moisture away from the sea lions’ skin, which is why their skin stays dry even when submerged fully underwater.
Fur also allows sea lions to thermoregulate, which means they can control their body’s temperature to remain stable even in the harshest conditions.
Hopefully, this post has been helpful and you’ve learned a thing or two about sea lion fur today. Thanks for taking the time to read this post and feel free to share it with others that may find it valuable.

Hi, I’m George – the founder of MarinePatch. I created this blog as marine wildlife has been my passion for many years. I’ve spent over a decade in the marine wildlife industry and spent years out in the field conducting research. In today’s modern world, an online blog is the best place for me to share my findings and reach as many people as possible to help educate and inspire others. Enjoy your time here and you’re welcome back anytime!